SSV Metering Devices
SSV progressive metering de- vices are piston-type metering devices which reliably dispense the lubricant volume fed to the inlet in predetermined single quantities. By closing one outlet, the lubri- cant is fed to the next outlet below. This combining of outlets provides a large variety of me- tering possibilities. Additionally the internal porting avoids cum- bersome external T-fittings. A special feature of the progressive metering device is that a pre- vious feed line must supply lubri- cant before the next one can be
supplied. This makes the pro- gressive system easy to visually or electrically monitor. It is avail- able with 6 to 22 outlets and can be used for greases up to NLGI 2 or oils of at least 40 mm /s. Lincoln progressive metering de- vices in block design have no defect-prone rubber seals. They can therefore be used with no problem at high differential pres- sure (up to 100 bar between two outlets) and for a wide range of temperatures. The maximum operating pressure is 350 bar.
• No rubber seals
• Single block design
• Internal combining of outlets
• Exact lubricant metering
• Easy to monitor
• Fault-free replacement: should a metering device be exchanged, connection and output or adjustment errors are avoided
• High operating pressure